Jack’s Nightmare Circus – Halloween Horror Nights 4

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Jack and his crew

Jack’s Nightmare Circus – With aerial acrobats and extreme stunts, Jack the Clown presents a thrilling stage show at Universal Studios Singapore for this year’s Halloween Horror Nights 4. Check out this photo report of the entire show, where you will meet the cast of auditionees hoping to join Jack’s circus, including The Great Gordo Gamsby.

UPDATED 27/10 with all-new photos of the new contortion act and other freaky moments!

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Waiting for the show to start

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - The intro

The show begins with a black and white silent film. Accompanied with excerpts of Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, the film showed how Jack’s crew works together to lure and capture victims…

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - The Girl

The same girl from the film appears with her red balloon. She pops it.

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Welcome to my NIGHTMARE!

“Sweet dreams are made of this…. WELCOME TO MY NIGHTMARE!”

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Jack appears

“With the lights out, it’s less dangerous.. Here we are now, ENTERTAIN ME!”

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Sparks

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Jack and Shorty

Jack introduces his cast and the reason for opening the circus tonight: He is going to hold auditions to search for a new act for his Nightmare Circus.

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Jack and the cast

“You guys are gonna help me decide. Who lives… and who dies!”

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Flexible

“She’s very uh… bendy.”

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Jack and the girls

“Yes yes, you’re all on top! They get so jealous!”

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Aerial act

“BUT NOW, it’s time for the first audition.. SO IMPRESS ME.. and climb…”

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Aerial act 2

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Aerial act 3

“That was so depressing. Does he not get it? THIS IS A NIGHTMARE CIRCUS!”

Note: A new contortion act was introduced mid-season as a replacement for the aerial rope act.

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - The contortionist 1

A member of the audience was invited on stage by Jack, who has some tricks up his sleeve.

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - The contortionist 2

He became Jack’s newest plaything – almost like a ragdoll…


Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - The contortionist 3

People are strange when you’re a stranger…

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - The contortionist 4

Fun fact: This performer has appeared somewhere else at HHN4. Do you know where? Check through the HHN4 index and to find him!

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - The contortionist 5

The boy continues to bend and contort his body, making the audience wince as he twists his body dramatically. Some of Jack’s girls attempt to show off their flexibility…

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Problem Child 2

Not everyone was impressed, unfortunately.

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - The hanging of the contortionist

And he was left to hang, alone.

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Jack is not impressed

Jack quickly calls up his goons to grab the second act.

“They say… bad luck comes in threes!”

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Manslaughter / Scary

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Manslaughter / Hairy

Before letting the second act audition, the circus goes into a dance break.

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Manslaughter / Mary, Scary and Hairy

Mary, Scary and Hairy

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Boys and Girls

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Dance and Stunts

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Dance and Stunts

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Duo Skaters from Italy 1

“These two are from the Italian city of Venice. Oh I just love it there. It’s so easy to drown people!”

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Duo Skaters from Italy 3

Reluctantly, the duo skaters were forced by Jack to spin on a small dish.

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Duo Skaters from Italy 4

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Duo Skaters from Italy 5

Jack raises the stakes: The skaters perform increasingly complicated moves.

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Duo Skaters from Italy 6

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Duo Skaters from Italy 7

Verging towards death-defying…

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Duo Skaters from Italy 8

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Duo Skaters from Italy 9

Even then, the skaters failed to meet Jack’s high standards. They get the axe.

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - The Girls / Evil is going on

With no other alternatives, Jack has to unleash beast de resistance: The Animal. The girls set the stage, dancing seductively to a cover of Evil (Is Going On).

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - The Girls 2

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - The Girls 3

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - The Aerialist 2

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - The Animal / The Great Gordo Gamsby, an extreme stunt specialist

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Revealing the Animal 16:10

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Jack unchains the Animal

Jack unchains Gordo Gamsby, the Animal, who proceeds to perform a series of painful stunts…

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - The Animal / The Great Gordo Gamsby, an extreme stunt specialist / Curled wire through the Nose

Such as pushing a curled wire through the nose…

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - The Animal / The Great Gordo Gamsby, an extreme stunt specialist / Curled wire through the Nose 2

…and out of his mouth.

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Gordo Gamsby / The Hook

Where does this hook go?

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - The Animal / The Great Gordo Gamsby, an extreme stunt specialist / Wrecking ball through the tongue 1

“The ol’ ball-and-chain, or as I like to call it – MARRIAGE!”

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Gordo Gamsby / The Ball and Chain

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - The Animal / The Great Gordo Gamsby, an extreme stunt specialist / Wrecking ball through the tongue 3

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Gordo Gamsby / Testing the blade

A blade is being used for the next act. First, to test the sharpness…

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Gordo Gamsby / Juggling drama

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - The Animal / The Great Gordo Gamsby, an extreme stunt specialist / Extreme juggling 2

Gordo Gamsby, with a sword in his throat, juggles torches.

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Gordo Gamsby / Juggling

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - The Animal / The Great Gordo Gamsby, an extreme stunt specialist / Removing the blade

If you’re seated at the front.. you may get a chance to pull the sword out.

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - The Animal / The Great Gordo Gamsby, an extreme stunt specialist / Chainsaw cutting an Apple

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - The Animal / The Great Gordo Gamsby, an extreme stunt specialist / Chainsaw cutting an Apple 2

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Gordo Gamsby / Popular

“Did you like him more than me?? DID YOU??!! THIS IS MY SHOW!”

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Jack punishes Gordo Gamsby

“THIS IS MY SHOW! JACK’S SHOW! You just had to get better than me, didn’t you?”

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Jack punishes Gordo Gamsby 2

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Revealing the new star of the show.. Jack the Clown! 2

“I guess the star of my travelling circus is…. ME!”

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Revealing the new star of the show.. Jack the Clown! 3


Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Grand Finale 1

After a depressing attempt by Shorty to audition, the cast breaks into a epic dance finale.

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Grand Finale 2

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - The Kid

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Grand Finale 4

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Grand Finale 5

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Grand Finale 6

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Sparks

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Grand Finale 7

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Grand Finale 8

“And now you’re going to DIE!”

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Grand Finale 9

“Just kidding. You guys aren’t really going to die… Although that would make me really happy.”

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Grand Finale 10

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Grand Finale 11

The dance finale uses Beatfreakz’s Superfreak and a segment of Knife Party’s Internet Friends (VIP). It then goes back to the remix of Pharrell Williams’ Happy that has been interspersed throughout the show. Does anyone know which exact remix is that?

Halloween Horror Nights 4 - Jack's Nightmare Circus - Curtain Call

What do you think about this all-new stage show for Halloween? If you’ve watched it, share your thoughts, please!

Jack’s Nightmare Circus is performed during HHN4 event nights. This show is extremely popular, so be at the theatre early to get your seats!

Dejiki.com presents THE FULL EVENT COVERAGE of Universal Studios Singapore's HALLOWEEN HORROR NIGHTS 4

Halloween Horror Nights 4 REVIEWED

Looking for the HHN4 review? Find out what’s good and scary at Halloween Horror Nights 4 here!

Visit our HHN4 index for extended event coverage on Halloween Horror Nights 4, including walkthrough photo tours of scare zones and haunted houses – a Dejiki.com exclusive! Subscribe to dejiki.com or Like Dejiki.com on Facebook today!

Are you brave enough..?

It’s time to make the decision to attend Halloween Horror Nights 4. Get all the event and ticketing information you need at the 2014 Guide to Halloween Attractions in Singapore here!

Halloween Horror Nights 12 (2024)
HHN12 REVEALED: Ticket and Event Guide
HHN12 MEGA REVIEW: Photo Tour of all haunted houses, scare zones, shows and Special Experience
HHN12 RIP TOUR Review and Vlog (VIP Experience)

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Under The Castle by TEAM WANG design | Netflix's Sweet Home
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HHN12 BEFORE DARK: Day Tour of Halloween Horror Nights 12 setup

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6 Responses to Jack’s Nightmare Circus – Halloween Horror Nights 4

  1. Richard October 7, 2014 at 11:24 pm #

    What’s that song “Line them up! Line them up!” played during the show. Love that song.
    By the way, your reports on USS are very informative. Are you the official reporter for USS? Do you get paid for it?

    • Dejiki October 8, 2014 at 8:31 am #

      That song is a remix of Fatboy Slim’s My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light Em Up).

      No, I do not get paid for blogging, and I am not working for Universal Studios Singapore or RWS. It would be a dream to work there someday.

  2. Valar D. October 8, 2014 at 3:21 am #

    I have seen the performance twice now. It’s wonderful. The Italian spinning performance is so awesome and Jack’s joke never gets old. Not to mention you always get to see more details the more time you seen the performance. For example, I did not notice Frankenstein was actually doing some kind of mini dancing with his finger the first time I see the performance, I only noticed that on the second viewing.

    Although I am sad this will be over along with HHN4, I don’t mind as long as USS can bring new show of the same level next year! They surely have raised the bar this year. That, and I’m wondering what they will bring to replace Monster Rock.

  3. J October 8, 2014 at 7:05 am #

    I saw this! The girl with the balloon reminds me of Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz and maybe also Alice from Alice in Wonderland.

    Jack reminds me of Beetlejuice, and the male performer as part of the Italian pair looks familiar… I wonder if he’s the same guy who plays the Scorpion King over at Ancient Egypt.

  4. Keira October 13, 2014 at 12:25 am #

    I really like this jacks nightmare circus show!!! OMG! Can’t believe USS actually brought in such nice good stuffs! I would definitely be more happy if they were to replace monster rock with something similar to this rather than the current one.. (you should know which show I meant)

    Anyways, I did not managed to catch the rope performance that you did, instead during the show I went, it was replaced with a guy who can bends a lot. 🙁 But then, the Italian spinning couple was really astonishing! The highlight for me! I wouldn’t mind watching it more than once! However, Gordo’s performance was really… It would had been good if there were photo taking sessions with the casts after the show like monster rock in the past. But I guess it will be too tiring for them, and means lesser rest for them (or one less showtime). Aww..

    Off the topic, I noticed that all the haunted houses (including Boogeyman scare zone) this year, uses many water sprays. Can’t believed that I got water on me for every of them.. Other than that, it kind of amazes me that MATI camp had stairs inside.

    Just want to end off telling you that I really enjoy all of your posts regardless it is on theme parks or cafes! Thanks for all these informative updates and the HQ pictures!

  5. Aung Myo Myint June 5, 2015 at 11:43 pm #

    May I know music name when a girl come out with a balloon?

    May I know music name of Jack 3D.

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