Gardens by the Bay – Indian Safari

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Go on a tour around an Indian Safari at Gardens by the Bay’s Flower Dome. This new floral display features grand arrangements of iconic animals from India, including the peacock, elephants and tigers.

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The white tower from Orchid Extravaganza has been redecorated with red drapes, lanterns and even a white peacock (on the other side).

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The peafowl, as the national bird of India, is the iconic motif in this floral display. There are several white ones in the field, with orchids as their majestic tails.

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Some of the Gardens by the Bay bears on expedition..

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This season’s display is simple, but elegant. The variety of colours worked well and it is certainly an improvement from the Persian Garden floral display.

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The bigger topiary elephant, which spouts water into a nearby pond.

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One of the white peacocks on display at the back.

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Not to be missed: A pair of tigers made entirely out of flowers.

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Indian Safari is now on display at the Flower Dome till 3 November 2014.

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