Spring Celebrations at Flower Dome

Gardens by the Bay - Chrysanthemum Glow

The Flower Dome at Gardens by the Bay feature seasonal rotation of floral displays.

For February 2013, “Spring Celebrations” brings dazzling displays of festive blossoms and Chinese New Year decorations into the cooled conservatory.

Summary (Chinese)
滨海湾花园 (Gardens by the Bay) 正在举行《花悦滨海喜迎春》(“Spring Celebrations”)。这是2013农历新年期间的特展。在圆顶温室花园 (Flower Dome) 有大约8000五颜六色的花朵,包括牡丹,山茶花,樱花,菊花,大丽花,杜鹃花,兰花,如蕙兰和蝴蝶兰等等。花园里也有许多丰富多彩的新年装饰。


– 德吉棋尼古拉斯

Gardens by the Bay - Spring Blooms at Flower Dome

Gardens by the Bay - Spring Blooms at Flower Dome

The Canopy area (covered walkway between ticketing counters, guest services and two conservatories) has large pots of mandarins, giant lanterns and other Chinese New Year decorations.

Let’s go into the Flower Dome.

Gardens by the Bay - Flower Dome Overview
There’s an overview of the main Floral Display area. This is where most of the new displays are placed. The other areas of Flower Dome have minimal changes, although there may be some new installations.

Gardens by the Bay - Spring Blooms at Flower Dome

Such as this huge vase of bustling colours.

Gardens by the Bay - Spring Blooms at Flower Dome

Gardens by the Bay - Lanterns

Gardens by the Bay - Snake plush

Snakes and lanterns can be found on the unchanged areas of Flower Dome.

Gardens by the Bay - Sphere Lanterns

Gardens by the Bay - Bonsai Garden arrangements

Gardens by the Bay - Lanterns on a tree

Gardens by the Bay - Torch Bromeliad
Torch Bromeliad. Some of my photos have very intense colours, but they are mostly fresh out of the camera and without editing. You’ll need a high quality display to see the colour graduations (otherwise it would look like solid blocks of red, which it isn’t!)

Gardens by the Bay - Perfect Geometric Bloom

One of my favourite photos: A lone flower blooms in perfection.

Gardens by the Bay - Spring Blooms at Flower Dome

Gardens by the Bay - Spring Blooms at Flower Dome

Gardens by the Bay - Mandarin Snake

Some interesting snake topiaries around the main display area.

Gardens by the Bay - Spring Blooms at Flower Dome

Gardens by the Bay - Spring Blooms at Flower Dome

Gardens by the Bay - Spring Blooms at Flower Dome

Gardens by the Bay - Spring Blooms at Flower Dome

Gardens by the Bay - Spring Blooms at Flower Dome

Gardens by the Bay - Spring Blooms at Flower Dome

Gardens by the Bay - Spring Blooms at Flower Dome

Gardens by the Bay - Cherry Blossom / Sakura

Cherry Blossom

Gardens by the Bay - Chrysanthemum


Gardens by the Bay - Mandarins

Apparently there are more than 8 varieties of kumquat (Citrus) plants on display, though all of them look the same to me.

Gardens by the Bay - Lions

Gardens by the Bay - Spring Blooms at Flower Dome

Gardens by the Bay - Knots array

Gardens by the Bay - Spring Blooms at Flower Dome

Gardens by the Bay - Pavilion
There are a few Pavilions in the Display area – perfect for portrait and group photos.

Gardens by the Bay - Grand Pavilion
And there’s one right in the middle of all the flower. Shame that orchids on display are “hidden” inside.

Gardens by the Bay - Dramatic Blooms

There’s a lot to see around the Pavilion.

Gardens by the Bay - Spring Blooms at Flower Dome

Gardens by the Bay - Spring Blooms at Flower Dome

Gardens by the Bay - Willow Bloom

Gardens by the Bay - Orchids

Gardens by the Bay - Orchid close

I really enjoyed this seasonal display at Flower Dome, because it’s like Sentosa Flowers without the crowd, the noise and the heat. Yes, this venue is fully air-conditioned, but don’t overlook that. In fact, with the crazy weather in Singapore, I’m thankful for that. The elevated level of comfort translates to more patience composing photos, more time taking each shot and many moments to just sit down and enjoy the peaceful environment. Gardens by the Bay has recently added more ambient music in the Flower Dome, making the conservatory a better place to relax.

Having said that, I think I’m still going to Sentosa Flowers 2013. 😉

Gardens by the Bay Limited Edition Hong Bao set

The park is giving out Hong Bao gift sets with a minimum spend of $28 in a single receipt at Ticketing or Retail shops. I got these for free, as I am an Annual Passholder (and they gave me a new Annual Pass card as well).

Gardens by the Bay - Hong Bao gift set box

Simple, and I love the Garden’s signature artwork.

Gardens by the Bay - Hong Bao gift set

Three designs, two pieces each.

Gardens by the Bay - Hong Bao gift set

The beauty of the design: Spot varnish on specific areas to highlight the “creature” hidden in the artwork.

Spring Celebrations at Gardens by the Bay is on display from now till 28 February 2013. For more Gardens by the Bay photos, head on to my Cloud Forest photo tour.

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4 Responses to Spring Celebrations at Flower Dome

  1. Luke February 6, 2013 at 5:09 pm #

    Amazing! Good to know that they have seasonal events as well!
    I will probably visit it with my family when they arrive here for the Chinese New Year!

    • Dejiki February 6, 2013 at 5:12 pm #

      That’s great! Which other places will you visit with your family? 🙂

      (By the way, have you bought your Wii U yet?)

  2. Luke February 6, 2013 at 7:11 pm #

    They have been here several times and have visited quite a few places..

    Yes, I have it now. I bought it the day before yesterday. Got the update done last night, but I am now having trouble with Internet connection….Sigh

  3. SengkangBabies February 6, 2013 at 8:17 pm #

    Love the Cherry Blossom!

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