Tulipmania 2023 at Gardens by the Bay

Gardens by the Bay Tulipmania 2023 Flower Dome 1 Flower Field main Safranbolu houses

Tulipmania returns to Gardens by the Bay, this time exploring the Origins of the Tulip with landscapes inspired by Turkey.

Gardens by the Bay Tulipmania 2023 Flower Dome 2 Foyer Tulip closeup

The last Tulipmania at Gardens by the Bay was back in 2021, with a focus on its “wild origins” in Kazakhstan before arriving into Turkey, which is the theme for 2023’s Edition of the floral display. The tulip is also Turkey’s national flower.

Fans of Tulipmania may recall a similar Turkish theme back in 2016. This time however, you can take in the sights of iconic landmarks from colourful hot air balloons.

Gardens by the Bay Tulipmania 2023 Flower Dome 2 Foyer Hot Air Balloon

Gardens by the Bay Tulipmania 2023 Flower Dome 2 Foyer Hot Air Balloon back

Gardens by the Bay Tulipmania 2023 Flower Dome 2 Overview

Numerous balloons continue to float (they are motorised) around the main field.

Gardens by the Bay Tulipmania 2023 Flower Dome 3 Flower Field Back

The walkway at the back doesn’t have any cartoonish props this time, lending a softer and more pleasant touch to the landscaping.

Gardens by the Bay Tulipmania 2023 Flower Dome 3 Flower Field Back 2

Gardens by the Bay Tulipmania 2023 Flower Dome 6 Library of Celsus

Towards the end of the lane is a reproduction of the Library of Celsus, an ancient library in the Greek city of Ephesus (now modern-day Western Turkey).

Gardens by the Bay Tulipmania 2023 Flower Dome 4 Exhibition area 1

Beyond the enchanting blooms, there is also an exhibition at the Mediterranean Garden – a short detour as you make your way down to the main display.

Gardens by the Bay Tulipmania 2023 Flower Dome 4 Exhibition area 2

The exhibition features ceramics, rugs and other art pieces carrying the motif of tulips and plants.

Gardens by the Bay Tulipmania 2023 Flower Dome 6 Ceramic art showcase

Gardens by the Bay Tulipmania 2023 Flower Dome 6 Galata Tower

Galata Tower – an iconic landmark in Istanbul, originally built as a watch tower during the Byzantine empire.

Gardens by the Bay Tulipmania 2023 Flower Dome 5 Flower Field Mountain Safranbolu houses centerpiece

The row of Safranbolu houses beside a mountain shapes the centerpiece of the floral display.

Gardens by the Bay Tulipmania 2023 Flower Dome 5 Flower Field Mountain interior

Similar to the past few floral displays, you can walk inside the ‘mountain’ – now a cave lit with mosaic lamps.

Gardens by the Bay Tulipmania 2023 Flower Dome 5 Flower Field Mountain Safranbolu house interior

Within it is a secret photo spot, decorated to look like an Ottoman-era home, with a cool trick for the windows.

Gardens by the Bay Tulipmania 2023 Flower Dome 7 Tulip closeups orange Tulipa Hermitage

In front of the houses are two big fields with beautiful tulip blooms. This is also where most visitors gather, so much patience is needed.

Gardens by the Bay Tulipmania 2023 Flower Dome 7 Tulip closeups lilac Tulipa Gabriela mix

Apart from these favourites, you might also see the rare tulip variety cultivated from native species of Turkey, which feature long, pointed petals. This is the first time Gardens by the Bay is exhibited this kind of tulips.

Gardens by the Bay Tulipmania 2023 Flower Dome 7 Tulip closeups Purple Tulipa Claudia

Gardens by the Bay Tulipmania 2023 Flower Dome 7 Tulip closeups red and yellow

Gardens by the Bay Tulipmania 2023 Flower Dome 7 Tulip closeups Yellow

Flower Dome’s upcoming floral displays

After Tulipmania, the remaining displays for the year include Rose Romance (from June), Orchid Extravaganza (from end-July), Chrysanthemum Charm (from mid-Sept), and Poinsettia Wishes (from late-Nov).

Use my Klook link to buy tickets for Flower Dome and other attractions at Gardens by the Bay. For Avatar: The Experience, get your tickets here.

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One Response to Tulipmania 2023 at Gardens by the Bay

  1. Nafeesa bano April 30, 2023 at 11:17 am #

    Beautiful, Awesome,very inspireing impress alot

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