Gardens by the Bay – Dahlia Dreams

Dahlia Dreams floral display at Gardens by the Bay Flower Dome - Monkey wooden sculpture

Step into a floral interpretation of Chinese classical tale Journey to the West at Dahlia Dreams, a new thematic display at Gardens by the Bay.

Dahlia Dreams floral display at Gardens by the Bay Flower Dome - Monkey plush toys on gold ingots

Since the beginning, Gardens by the Bay has done thematic displays for the Lunar New Year. Even the very first one had toy snakes on certain trees, but the beautifully elaborate concept started two years ago for the Year of the Horse.

Dahlia Dreams floral display at Gardens by the Bay Flower Dome - Welcome display

The year of the Monkey is a favourite for many attractions this year, due to its easy association with the Monkey King from Journey from the West.

Dahlia Dreams floral display at Gardens by the Bay Flower Dome - Bird's Eye View, Flower Field

At the Flower Dome this year? The famous ‘花果山’ (Mountain of Flowers and Fruits) of course:

Dahlia Dreams floral display at Gardens by the Bay Flower Dome - Monkey Mountain

Dahlia Dreams floral display at Gardens by the Bay Flower Dome - Monkey topiary sculpture

Lots of monkey business all over the flower field.

Dahlia Dreams floral display at Gardens by the Bay Flower Dome - Flower field back corridor

The paths around the flower field is quite plain, although the corner with the lanterns is lovely photo spot.

Dahlia Dreams floral display at Gardens by the Bay Flower Dome - Flower field front corridor

Dahlia Dreams floral display at Gardens by the Bay Flower Dome - Flowers on wood sculpture

Dahlia Dreams floral display at Gardens by the Bay Flower Dome - Monkey trio wooden sculpture

The Gardens is acquiring sculptures of every zodiac animal. Something bigger planned when all 12 animals are gathered, perhaps?

Dahlia Dreams floral display at Gardens by the Bay Flower Dome - Baby monkey wooden sculpture

Dahlia Dreams floral display at Gardens by the Bay Flower Dome - Dahlia soft

Now, on to the flowers… Despite being Dahlia Dreams, it wasn’t as imaginative or spectacular as last year’s Lunar New Year-themed display. Generally as a whole, the display is lovely, but those who have seen past editions might feel disappointed.

Dahlia Dreams floral display at Gardens by the Bay Flower Dome - Flower soft pink

Dahlia Dreams floral display at Gardens by the Bay Flower Dome - Orchids vibrant

Dahlia Dreams floral display at Gardens by the Bay Flower Dome - Under the mountain

Dahlia Dreams floral display at Gardens by the Bay Flower Dome - Flowers 2

Dahlia Dreams floral display at Gardens by the Bay Flower Dome - Flowers 3

Dahlia Dreams floral display at Gardens by the Bay Flower Dome - Monkey close up

Dahlia Dreams floral display at Gardens by the Bay Flower Dome - Lantern sunset

If you’re staying around the Gardens late, catch the Lunar New Year edition of the Garden Rhapsody light and sound show, showing at the Supertree Grove daily at 7:45pm, 8:45pm. During the height of the festive season (6 – 9 Feb 2016), there will be an extra show at 9:30pm.

Dahlia Dreams at Flower Dome

From now till 28 February 2016
Admission charges apply for the Flower Dome.

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