Orchid Extravaganza 2023 and Gardens by the Bay Updates

Gardens by the Bay Orchid Extravaganza 2023 Flower Dome 6 Rock Pool Cascades

Orchid Extravaganza returns to Gardens by the Bay with beautiful landscapes inspired by the architecture and culture of Southeast Asia.

Orchid Extravaganza 2023: Orchids of the East Tropics

From now till 17 Sept 2023, you can enjoy the new Orchid Extravaganza: Orchids of the East Tropics in the Flower Dome. This is the first time the display incorporates the architecture, landscape and orchids from Southeast Asia, namely: Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore.

Gardens by the Bay Orchid Extravaganza 2023 Flower Dome 1 Foyer Upper Level Lath House

The first thing you see entering the Flower Dome: A lath house at the top level of the viewing gallery, with several hanging orchids on display.

Gardens by the Bay Orchid Extravaganza 2023 Flower Dome 1 Lath House Hanging Orchid

Lath houses are built with thin strips of wood in a parallel pattern with gaps between them, providing plants with diffused light, rain and air, while offering some protection against harsh weather conditions.

Gardens by the Bay Orchid Extravaganza 2023 Flower Dome 1 Overview Flower Field

The theme of houses extend further down to the main Flower Field, but this time with traditional houses from the region.

Gardens by the Bay Orchid Extravaganza 2023 Flower Dome 2 Flower Field Back Lane

Even at the back of the field, the display looks dramatically lush, like the 2016 Edition of Orchid Extravaganza.

Gardens by the Bay Orchid Extravaganza 2023 Flower Dome 2 Ruean Thai house

Scattered around the displays are structures inspired by traditional architecture from the region. Here is the Ruean Thai, or a Thai house, accompanied with pottery and the Chakhe musical instrument.

Gardens by the Bay Orchid Extravaganza 2023 Flower Dome 2 Thai house Ban Chiang pottery Chakhe

Gardens by the Bay Orchid Extravaganza 2023 Flower Dome 2 Ruean Thai house fish handicraft

Gardens by the Bay Orchid Extravaganza 2023 Flower Dome 3 Orchids on trees

Gardens by the Bay Orchid Extravaganza 2023 Flower Dome 3 Orchids white on boat

There are over 7,000 orchids on display in Orchid Extravaganza 2023, and in addition to orchid hybrids, native species from each country are also on display, some of which were grown in-house by Gardens by the Bay.

Gardens by the Bay Orchid Extravaganza 2023 Flower Dome 3 Orchid aranda vibrant pink purple closeup

Gardens by the Bay Orchid Extravaganza 2023 Flower Dome 3 kebayas shophouse display

Accompanying the flowers are kebaya: traditional blouses worn by women in various countries in Southeast Asia, including Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. These 5 countries had also jointly nominated the kebaya to the UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity earlier this year. A decision by UNESCO is expected in 2024.

The four kebaya above are curated by Singapore’s National Heritage Board, presented within a traditional shophouse setting.

Gardens by the Bay Orchid Extravaganza 2023 Flower Dome 4 Rumah Pahang Malaysian house kebaya

Every other ‘house’ in the display is accompanied with a pair curated by a collaborating country’s respective Embassy or High Commission.

Gardens by the Bay Orchid Extravaganza 2023 Flower Dome 4 Rumah Pahang Malaysian house

This house is inspired by the architecture of Rumah Pahang, or traditional houses found in the largest state in Peninsular Malaysia, Pahang.

Gardens by the Bay Orchid Extravaganza 2023 Flower Dome 5 Main Flower Field overview

It’s also a focal point of the Floral Display, as the house faces the beautiful rock cascades and pond. Be prepared to be patient here, if you wish to take photos here.

Gardens by the Bay Orchid Extravaganza 2023 Flower Dome 5 River Rock Pool cascades

Gardens by the Bay Orchid Extravaganza 2023 Flower Dome 5 River Pool

Gardens by the Bay Orchid Extravaganza 2023 Flower Dome 6 Rock Pool Cascades high dangling

The cascading orchids arranged to dangle from the trees in this area also look marvelous.

Gardens by the Bay Orchid Extravaganza 2023 Flower Dome 6 Rock Pool Cascades high dangling closeup

Gardens by the Bay Orchid Extravaganza 2023 Flower Dome 6 Rock Pool Cascades closeup low dangling

Gardens by the Bay Orchid Extravaganza 2023 Flower Dome 5 River Bridge

Head to the back of the display to discover more artefacts and orchids.

Gardens by the Bay Orchid Extravaganza 2023 Flower Dome 4 Gebogan Sekar Balinese Hindu flower offerings

Gebogan Sekar, or Balinese Hindu flower offerings.

Gardens by the Bay Orchid Extravaganza 2023 Flower Dome 7 Rumah Toraja indonesian house

Several artefacts and handicrafts are placed among the orchids around this structure inspired by Rumah Toraja, or traditional houses made by the Toraja people in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. It features a distinctive roof resembling an upturned boat or buffalo horn.

Gardens by the Bay Orchid Extravaganza 2023 Flower Dome 8 Rumah Tungkup Brunei house

Lastly, the Rumah Tungkup is part of a bay-side themed display at the corner field of the Flower Field. The design is based on traditional houses with pyramid shaped roofs in Kampong Ayer, Brunei.

Gardens by the Bay Orchid Extravaganza 2023 Flower Dome 8 Rumah Tungkup Brunei house closeup

Gardens by the Bay Orchid Extravaganza 2023 Flower Dome 7 second Lath house

There is a second and smaller Lath house tucked in the other corner of the Flower Field, with more drawings and orchids on display.

From 18 to 27 Aug, there will also be an Ikenobo ikebana exhibition of Japanese traditional flower arrangements using orchids at the Flower Dome’s Mediterranean Garden and South American Garden.

Avatar: The Experience at Cloud Forest update

Gardens by the Bay 2023 Cloud Forest Avatar The Experience 1 extension entrance

Gardens by the Bay and its partners has extended the run of Avatar: The Experience again. The attraction will remain open through 30 Sept 2023.

In Cloud Forest, a new Orchids of Machu Picchu display will debut from 18 Aug, so if you’re planning to visit Avatar: The Experience, it would be a good to plan for a trip sometime in late August to enjoy the new display in Orchid Haven.

Gardens by the Bay 2023 Cloud Forest Avatar The Experience 2 Orchid Haven

Also, good news for Friends of the Gardens (Multiple Attractions) members without the Avatar: The Experience Add-On: You can visit the Cloud Forest for free during off-peak periods, that is from Sundays to Thursdays, excluding eve of Public Holidays and Public Holidays. This privilege is only available from 2 July to 28 Sept 2023, and it is not extended to members with Single Attraction (i.e. Flower Dome only) membership.

Floral Fantasy

Gardens by the Bay 2023 Floral Fantasy 1 archways

If you are a Friends of the Gardens member with access to Cloud Forest, don’t forget to check out Floral Fantasy during the Avatar event period, as it is included with your membership for this limited time.

Gardens by the Bay 2023 Floral Fantasy 2 Bird and Nest

Tucked away from the central “hub” of the Gardens, it was less crowded compared to the two cooled conservatories, and the smaller displays do get refreshed from time to time, too.

Gardens by the Bay 2023 Floral Fantasy 3 Gardens

Love The Last March

Gardens by the Bay 2023 Love The Last March wildlife world largest public sculpture 1

A curious long chain of bronze animals can now be found around Gardens by the Bay. This is Love The Last March, the world’s largest public bronze sculpture at 192m long.

Gardens by the Bay 2023 Love The Last March wildlife world largest public sculpture 2

The sculpture, with a message to save wildlife, can be found near the Floral Clock and side entrance to the Flower Dome. Don’t miss it on the way to Bayfront MRT or Dragonfly Lake.

Flower Dome’s upcoming floral displays

There are two upcoming displays after Orchid Extravaganza: Chrysanthemum Charm (from mid-Sept), and Poinsettia Wishes (from late-Nov).

Use my Klook link to buy tickets for Flower Dome and other attractions at Gardens by the Bay. For Avatar: The Experience, get your tickets here.

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