Tokyo DisneySea – American Waterfront

American Waterfront - Columbus Circle

American Waterfront at Tokyo DisneySea depicts scenes from New York and New England of the United States in the 1920s era. Directly connected to Mediterranean Harbor via a bridge over the waterways of Venice, this massive section (I believe the largest in the park, going by land area) is themed into two sections – New York Harbor and Cape Cod Village.

Regrettably, we didn’t spend a lot of time wandering around American Waterfront. We were either here mainly for Tower of Terror or DisneySea Electric Railway. This Photo Tour probably only covers less than 30% of what American Waterfront really is.

The New York Harbor section is home to two of the park’s top attractions: Tower of Terror and Toy Story Mania!

Tokyo DisneySea - Tower of Terror / Hotel Hightower

Hotel Hightower, the most sophisticated-looking building here, is also known as the “Tower of Terror”. We will have an in-depth tour in another entry.

Apart from the looming Hotel Hightower, the S.S. Columbia luxury liner is just a minute away. Inside this massive ship is an interactive theatre (Turtle Talk with Crush) and two of the park’s finest restaurants. There is also an outdoor stage show called A Table is Waiting.

American Waterfront - Path to S.S. Columbia

American Waterfront - S.S. Columbia

Let’s also not forget that over at Broadway: Home to Big Bang Beat, a popular show at the Broadway Music Theater. We missed the show this trip because the lines were so long!

American Waterfront - Broadway Music Theatre

American Waterfront - Broadway Music Theatre Sign

Another look of the theater’s architecture at night:

American Waterfront - Broadway Theater

Perhaps it’s a good time to walk over to the Cape Cod village.

American Waterfront - Cape Cod Village - Bridge

American Waterfront - DisneySea Transit Steamer Line Station

This is a much quieter section of the park. There is a DisneySea Transit Steamer Line station here that provides a sight-seeing tour around the park (that does not stop anywhere else). When the Mediterranean Harbor is used for Harbor shows, the ride from Lost River Delta will alter its route and stop here instead.

American Waterfront - Cape Cod Village

American Waterfront - Cape Cod Village - Cape Cod Cook-Off

You’ll most likely find yourself here for the gentler sights… Or Duffy related attractions. This Cape Cod Cook-Off restaurant allows you to view the My Friend Duffy stage show while you dine. You see, the old Cape Cod town is where Duffy’s from (according to his backstory). Or more accurately, for park guests, Aunt Peg’s Village Store.

American Waterfront - Cape Cod Village - Aunt Peg's Village Store

American Waterfront - Cape Cod Village - Aunt Peg's Village Store sign

This used to be the only store in the entire Tokyo DisneySea park that sold Duffy merchandise. I heard it was very chaotic and eventually the park sold Duffy items at other places. One of them also in American Waterfront – McDuck’s Department Store.

American Waterfront - McDuck's Department Store - Exterior

McDuck’s is generally a good place to shop as they carry a LOT of items and the shop decor is very interesting. The store is actually three “stores” that are interconnected. You have the opulent Department Store, a Pawn Shop and what looks like a textiles wholesale store (the “Millinery” section).

American Waterfront - McDuck's Department Store 17 Duffy

American Waterfront - McDuck's Department Store 16 Duffy

The McDuck’s Department Store is owned by Scrooge McDuck – the world’s richest duck and Donald Duck’s uncle. His likeness is featured everywhere in the “luxurious” section of the store.

American Waterfront - McDuck's Department Store 15 Duffy

American Waterfront - McDuck's Department Store 14 Duffy

American Waterfront - McDuck's Department Store 12 Duffy

American Waterfront - McDuck's Department Store 10 Duffy Outfits

The Tokyo DisneySea exclusive Duffy and Shellie May outfits. I was so tempted to buy, but they were ¥3,300 (S$43) each!

American Waterfront - McDuck's Department Store 9 Duffy

American Waterfront - McDuck's Pawn Shop
An alternate entrance: McDuck’s Pawn Shop.

American Waterfront - McDuck's Department Store 13

American Waterfront - McDuck's Department Store 5

American Waterfront - McDuck's Department Store 7

American Waterfront - McDuck's Department Store

American Waterfront - McDuck's Department Store 6

American Waterfront - McDuck's Department Store 3 Millinery

American Waterfront - McDuck's Department Store 4

American Waterfront - McDuck's Department Store 2

But one thing to note: Despite being one of the few stores to find Duffy items, I think Aunt Peg’s stocks a wider range (or just has a lot more organised store displays).

Also, this place seems like a better to find Toy Story merchandise (Toyville Trolley Park does not have a real store, but just a cart).

American Waterfront - Park Avenue

Nestled in its own corner is Toyville Trolley Park, a Coney-Island inspired sub-land that houses the park’s most popular Toy Story Mania! attraction – a ride that once had a record wait time of 400 minutes. We’ll visit this area in the Toy Story Mania entry.

While heavily themed, this is a very tiny area that just houses the popular ride, two side attractions and a small retail cart.

American Waterfront - Disneysea Electric Railway - Entrance

The Tokyo DisneySea Electric Railway is a transportation ride that connects American Waterfront to Port Discovery. If wait time is more than 10 minutes, it’s usually faster to walk.

American Waterfront - Waterfront Park

The ride should not to be missed however, as it gives an interesting (but very short) perspective of the park, including Waterfront Park. You get to see the details of the New York buildings, the ships docked at American Waterfront, and an elevated view of Port Discovery as you arrive… into the future.

American Waterfront - Disneysea Electric Railway - Declancey Street view 5

American Waterfront - Disneysea Electric Railway - Declancey Street view 4

American Waterfront - Disneysea Electric Railway - Declancey Street view 3

American Waterfront - Disneysea Electric Railway - track view

American Waterfront - Disneysea Electric Railway - Broadway view 2
An overview of Broadway.

American Waterfront - Disneysea Electric Railway - Broadway View

American Waterfront - Disneysea Electric Railway - Water Street view

American Waterfront - Disneysea Electric Railway - Declancey Street view

DisneySea Electric Railway - Arriving at Port Discovery

View from Port Discovery – see how far the Tower of Terror is.

Let’s end this tour of American Waterfront with some night photography of the area:

American Waterfront - New York Harbour - Liberty Fish Market / Water Street

Liberty Fish Market. Here you can find Restaurant Sakura, a Japanese restaurant in a New York setting. It’s a very popular restaurant, so thankfully Priority Seating is available. Just remember to make a reservation.

American Waterfront - Gas Lamp

The park uses gas street lamps (real flames and all)!

American Waterfront - New York Harbour - Hotel Hightower

Hotel Hightower emits a ghostly purple glow at night.

American Waterfront - New York Harbour - Hotel Hightower Darkness

Sometimes you will see green lightning flash from the windows. It is not random, but precisely timed with the ride vehicles’ movement. The lightning starts from Hightower’s Penthouse (at the highest level) and connects to one of the three elevator shafts. Quite a sight at night, and it’s well accompanied with thunder and screams from riders.

American Waterfront - New York Harbour - S.S. Columbia

S.S. Columbia in all its glory.

American Waterfront - Broadway at night

The busy Broadway, which will we leave the exploring for the next trip.

In the next entry, we will finally visit Hotel Hightower – The Tower of Terror.

An Introduction | Getting There and Around | Pocket Wi-Fi | Tips and Tricks

Tokyo DisneySea

Mediterranean Harbor | Mediterranean Harbor at night | Fortress Explorations
Magellan's | American Waterfront | Tower of Terror | Toy Story Mania!
Port Discovery | Indiana Jones Adventure: Temple of the Crystal Skull
Lost River Delta & Raging Spirits | Sindbad's Storybook Voyage
Arabian Coast | Arabian Coast at night | Mermaid Lagoon
Mysterious Island | Journey to the Center of the Earth
Mysterious Island at night & 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

Tokyo Disneyland

World Bazaar | World Bazaar at night | Adventureland | Pirates of the Caribbean
Westernland & Big Thunder Mountain Railroad | Splash Mountain
Haunted Mansion | Pooh's Hunny Hunt | Fantasyland | Fantasyland at night
Cinderella's Fairy Tale Hall | Toon Town | Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin
Monsters, Inc. Ride & Go Seek | Star Tours: The Adventures Continue
Tomorrowland & Space Mountain | Happiness is Here Parade

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2 Responses to Tokyo DisneySea – American Waterfront

  1. Duy September 4, 2013 at 1:32 pm #

    Perhaps this is my most favorite theme area in Disneysea.

    • Ardhana September 5, 2013 at 7:53 pm #

      I agree with you Duy

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