Fatcat Ice Cream Bar

Fatcat Ice Cream Bar - Gourmet Waffle / Charcoal with Salted Egg Sauce, with Pistacho and Earl Grey Lavender Ice Cream

Fatcat Ice Cream Bar – Home of the Gourmet Charcoal Waffles with Salted Egg sauce.

Fatcat Ice Cream Bar - Street view

Surrounded by the usual heartland sights and sounds, Fatcat Ice Cream Bar feels like a lost hipster child in the quiet heartlands. It is just a short walk away from the bustle at Bedok Central.

Fatcat Ice Cream Bar - Doors

This ice cream parlour may be called Fatcat, but we couldn’t find a single cat inside. There’s one hipster cat hiding slyly in the logo, though.

Fatcat Ice Cream Bar - Cafe Bar overview

It’s not a big place – the moment you step in, you can see almost everything. The ice cream counter, the chalkboard menus, coffee prep and plating area, and the kitchen beyond. Quite a lot to take in.

Fatcat Ice Cream Bar - Counter Overview

Design wise, the place is not unlike most of the other cafes. Simple, clean, flat. Semi-open kitchen concept. And there’s this real hipster vibe from the crew. You can just feel it.

Fatcat Ice Cream Bar - Counter Overview 2

Seat’s fairly cramped, because this little place packs more than 30 seats. Getting a table is one thing – getting the right table for your Instagram is another.

Fatcat Ice Cream Bar - Lighting detail

Fatcat Ice Cream Bar - Cube n.01

Being at Fatcat early is critical if you want dibs on items that are limited each day, such as the plated desserts and elusive Gourmet Waffles. Come when they open (12PM). If you want a good spot for photos, it’s an even greater challenge. On weekends, some people might be already waiting outside long before the place opens.

Fatcat Ice Cream Bar - Store decor

Back to the counter: Fatcat says they have 18 flavours to choose from here. Pistacho’s the popular one, we heard.

Fatcat Ice Cream Bar - Ice Cream bar

If you’re not staying for desserts, coffee or beer – grab a single scoop cup for either for $3.90 (Standard flavours) or $4.50 (Premium).

Fatcat Ice Cream Bar - Ice cream scooped

Fatcat Ice Cream Bar - Plated desserts menu

Plated desserts are offered at Fatcat, a step up and away from the usual dessert spots and cafes – especially one located in Bedok. The choices are rotated regularly, and limited servings are prepared each day.

Fatcat Ice Cream Bar - Lime Mojito Sphere

During our visit, we tried the Lime Mojito Sphere ($4.50 each).

Fatcat Ice Cream Bar - Lime Mojito Sphere 2

Resembling an egg yolk, sphere melts away the moment it’s eaten. You get a rush – a refreshing burst of flavours – but also a fleeting experience. An opener to the main event – the waffles – later.

Fatcat Ice Cream Bar - Waffles menu

Fatcat offers two types of waffles in limited quantities each day. The Original Waffle – Brown Butter Waffle with Salted Caramel Chocolate Fudge Sauce – is available most of the time. The one that everyone’s been raving (and ranting about its unavailability) is the exalted Gourmet Waffle – Charcoal Waffle served with the Salted Egg Yolk sauce. More on that later.

Fatcat Ice Cream Bar - Waffle with Butterbeer and Earl Grey Lavender ice cream

Original Waffles ($4), which we added two scoops of ice cream – Butterbeer and Earl Grey Lavender. These are premium flavours, so it’s $4.50 a scoop. The plate costs $13 in all.

Fatcat Ice Cream Bar - Waffle with Butterbeer and Earl Grey Lavender ice cream, Hot chocolate, Latte

Enclosed with generous swirls of salted caramel sauce, the normal waffles are a delight. Plain and unassuming, it complements Fatcat’s Ice Cream well. Earl Grey Lavender is a creamy bouquet, with gentle hints of both flavours. The Butterbeer (not the one from Hogsmeade) is malty, with a light alcoholic aftertaste.

Fatcat Ice Cream Bar - Latte

Latte ($4) – It’s a latte. Let’s move on to the most popular thing here…

Fatcat Ice Cream Bar - Gourmet Waffle / Charcoal with Salted Egg Sauce, with Pistacho and Earl Grey Lavender Ice Cream, top view

Tom Haverford might’ve also marketed the Gourmet Waffles ($6) with buzzwords like High-end, VIP, exclusive. The gourmet waffle is usually sold out within 1-2 hours after opening. Rumour has it that there’s only enough batter for 10-20 gourmet waffles each day.

Fatcat Ice Cream Bar - Gourmet Waffle / Charcoal with Salted Egg Sauce, with Pistacho and Earl Grey Lavender Ice Cream 2

We chose to pair the black waffles with Earl Grey Lavender (yes again) and Pistachio (Premium too, $4.50 a scoop) – it is delightfully smooth, with a nutty fragrance. Another must-have-it-again flavour.

Fatcat Ice Cream Bar - Gourmet Waffle / Charcoal with Salted Egg Sauce, with Pistacho and Earl Grey Lavender Ice Cream, pouring the sauce 2

While “charcoal” would only give the waffles an unusually black appearance, it doesn’t affect the taste. Like all waffles served here, there’s a sprinkle of lavender to give a floral note.

It is the salted egg yolk sauce that brings the real difference. While novel, it did lend some surprise to the waffles. Pouring it on ice cream however, is superfluous, as Fatcat’s ice cream is strong enough to stand on its own. Actually, the sauce will certainly affect some flavours. And with sorbets? I don’t think so. They shouldn’t even go on waffles.

Fatcat Ice Cream Bar - Gourmet Waffle / Charcoal with Salted Egg Sauce, with Pistacho and Earl Grey Lavender Ice Cream, pouring the sauce 3

During my first visit, I’ve seen people disappointed and left when they found out that the Gourmet Waffles are sold out. I’d say forget about getting it for Instagram (because everyone’s already done that) and choose to make yourself happy. Give Fatcat’s quirky ice cream a chance.

Fatcat Ice Cream Bar - Counter overview 4

So my chase for the Gourmet Waffles is over. Will I return to Fatcat? If they have an extraordinary new plated dessert, yes. For the Pistachio and Earl Grey Lavender ice cream, yes.

Fatcat Ice Cream Bar

Blk 416 Bedok North Avenue 2
Singapore 460416

Closed on Tuesdays. Open other days from 12:00pm.
For more information (especially on seasonal desserts) refer to their Facebook page.

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