My Awesome Cafe

My Awesome Cafe - 1 / Front Facade, Chung Hwa Free Clinic

My Awesome Cafe is noted by many foodies and cafe-hoppers as the must-visit spot along Telok Ayer Street. This retro-haven is a joy to visit for its food and ambiance.

My Awesome Cafe - 2/ Front Facade, Chung Hwa Free Clinic Sign

The cafe kept the original façade of Chung Hwa Free Clinic, and some parts of the interiors and branding reflected that old “Chinese Clinic” feel.

My Awesome Cafe - 3 / Front

With such a name (and many menu items titled the same way), you’d think that Barney Stinson opened this cafe. Even the crew members use that superlative adjective often.

My Awesome Cafe - 34 / Overview, towards entrance

You won’t be able to miss the cafe’s boss, Franck Hardy, who looks more like a fitness model or personal trainer. Despite his hulking stature, he’s friendly – so is the rest of his team.

My Awesome Cafe - 5 / Overview

The clinic’s waiting room is now the cafe’s dining hall.

My Awesome Cafe - 2-09 / Overview of the back

Walk all the way in and you’ll see the kitchen.

My Awesome Cafe - 7 / Table

The tables (with the height and wire shelf) quickly reminded me of school desks from secondary school days.

My Awesome Cafe - 2-07 / Up-cycled furniture

Some of the unique “upcycled” furniture at the cafe.

My Awesome Cafe - 8 / The wall across

My Awesome Cafe - 2-03 / Namesake and Motto

My Awesome Cafe - 9 / Wall Fan

One of several restored fans that line the wall.

My Awesome Cafe - 10 / Overview

My Awesome Cafe - 11 / Board

Black chalkboard with drawings and printed articles near the back. Will I have the honour of having my entry posted here? Haha.

My Awesome Cafe - 37 / Blackboard Drawing

My Awesome Cafe - 2-11 / Calendar and Switches

My Awesome Cafe - 13 / Kitchen Decor

There’s certainly a lot to see at the far end of the cafe. As you wait to pay your bill, you’ll have time to marvel at the random curios. It’s almost like an invisible scenic switchback for some attraction.

My Awesome Cafe - 35 / Decor shelves

My Awesome Cafe - 36 / Decor shelves

My Awesome Cafe - 29 / Random Decor

My Awesome Cafe - 30 / Pineapples

My Awesome Cafe - 14 / Kitchen Decor

My Awesome Cafe - 15 / Stairs to Upstairs

Upstairs: Offices of the famed Mangham Gaxiola agency.

My Awesome Cafe - 16 / Cutlery and Cups

My Awesome Cafe - 2-08 / Rainbow Beanie Bear

My Awesome Cafe - 17 / Cups

With so many glasses available, you can have your Indiana Jones moment picking the your “holy grail” for water. You have chosen… wisely. Then check out the water dispenser:

My Awesome Cafe - 2-04 / Water Bucket

It’s a traditional medicinal tea warmer.

My Awesome Cafe - 2-05 / Water Point

My Awesome Cafe - 21 / Kitchen Decor

My Awesome Cafe - 19 / Dessert Shelf

Some freshly-made desserts placed beside the kitchen, so you may go up close and be tempted.

My Awesome Cafe - 20 / Dessert Shelf

My Awesome Cafe - 22 / Awesome Salads

Salads! And lots of them. Perhaps the most popular item on the menu.

My Awesome Cafe - 23 / Serving Awesomeness Now

My Awesome Cafe - 6 / Food Menu

Lots to eat here, though most of them seem a tad healthier than typical cafe cakes. A strong all-day breakfast menu. No waffles!

My Awesome Cafe - 24 / Positive Energy

I had this Positive Energy Drink ($4), which I misunderstood as a mix of fresh juice and Red Bull. Turns out it’s a Red Bull-like drink in a can shaped like a battery.

My Awesome Cafe - 25 / My Awesome Salad

The My Awesome Salad ($15). Worthy of its name, this is a huge plate of meats resting on crunchy, fresh greens. The kind of salad Ron Swanson would approve (40% meat). Generous amounts of chicken, duck rillettes and smoked salmon. Plus half an avocado. I love this – I’d call it My Favourite Salad.

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My dear sister (aka future socialite/tai-tai/model) posing with the Awesome Salad.

My Awesome Cafe - Pineapple Upside-Down Cake and Awesome Cookie

Some sweet treats that were available in the morning (of a second visit): Pineapple Upside Down cake ($5) and a Cookie ($2.50). Nothing much to say, though the cookie was not chewy, or even crispy – too brittle that it just fell apart on the plate. The pineapple cake was nice, but offered no surprises – it is what it is.

My Awesome Cafe - 26 / Overview out

My Awesome Cafe - 27 / Ceiling Lights

You’ll soon realize in The Café Tour that I’m quite obsessed with each cafe’s lighting and furniture. The ones here are rather fascinating – tiny tree of LEDs in each bulb, hanging off a grid of pipes.

My Awesome Cafe - 28 / LED Lightbulbs

My Awesome Cafe - 31 / Ammo Box

Ammo boxes (which can be easily missed) at the front of the cafe.

My Awesome Cafe - 32 / Ultraman

Where did they find all these things?

My Awesome Cafe - 33 / SCDF thing

My Awesome Cafe - 4 / Street View out

With a distinctive old-school flavour and shelves filled with assorted articles from the past, My Awesome Cafe is worth the walk down Telok Ayer Street. You might have already been to another bakery/cafe/bistro/pub nearby. Being close to the Central Business District, the cafe is very crowded during lunch on weekdays, so do plan ahead. Reservations are accepted for parties of 10 or more.

My Awesome Cafe

202 Telok Ayer Street
Singapore 068630

Open daily, weekdays from 7:30am. Weekends from 11:00am.
For more information refer to their Facebook page.

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2 Responses to My Awesome Cafe

  1. Ping August 7, 2014 at 11:40 pm #

    Actually i find it so so.. the scrambled egg was too dry.. and ex

  2. Stephen Raid November 9, 2014 at 9:41 am #

    I actually Loved it also. I guess you can truly enjoy it when you fully understand their concept, the efforts put behind to create this cafe, and appreciate the old memories those guys have tried to bring back to Singapore and Singaporeans. Everything is being demolished or repainted, they stand out for keeping a culture alive and my guess is that in a couple of years, this cafe will be seen and respected highly for standing up for what they believed in, which is to conserve the Singapore history and offering a back-to-basic food with super fresh ingredients, that’s it.

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