Carry On

Carry On Cafe 1 - Entrance

A store and cafe at the same time, Carry On offers cafe hoppers with a chillout shopping experience in its earthy and spacious interiors.

This was the last stop of our Sunday cafe hoppin’ tour.

Carry On Cafe 2 - Entrance

I thought we wouldn’t be able to find another place as serene as Tiferet Tea Room, so I was surprised to step into the quiet comfort at Carry On.

Carry On Cafe 3 - Seats and Bags

Carry On Cafe 7 - Bookshelf

The cafe’s decor is rather hopscotch, as if it’s an unofficial Desigual extension. So are the Yadu bags on sale, which carried the upcycle vibe. Nonetheless, the overall atmosphere was homely and comfortable to relax in. As if you’ve ever crashed at a hipster’s pad.

Carry On Cafe 4 - Yadu bags and backpack

Carry On Cafe 5 - Yadu mini slings

Carry On Cafe 6 - More bags by Yadu

Carry On Cafe 8 - Artworks

There’s this little art and craft wall near the front.

Carry On Cafe 9 - Drawn art

Carry On Cafe 10 - Drawn art

Carry On Cafe 11 - Travel case boombox

Which flanks the cafe’s most impressive shelf display, as there are some peculiar items.

Carry On Cafe 12 - Upcycled Sewing Machine Table

While all the other tables are spacious, we chose to huddle around one fashioned from a traditional sewing machine. The one that almost everyone’s grandma had…. but this was gold.

Carry On Cafe 13 - Lights and Lightbulbs

Carry On Cafe 14 - Cakes, Breads and Wraps

This cafe offers quite a range of food – look at their selection of wraps! We’ll have to come back another time to try them out.

Carry On Cafe 15 - Drinks menu

Carry On Cafe 16 - London Fog, an Earl Grey Tea Latte

As we’ve been to three cafes before this, we settled for just a few cups of London Fog – Earl Grey Tea with steamed milk and a dash of vanilla.

Carry On Cafe 17 - Bicycle

Carry On Cafe 23 - Papillionaire Mixte for $1288

Perhaps the most notable item on sale at the cafe is this Bicycle. For $1288, it could be yours.

Carry On Cafe 18 - Bicycle Details

Carry On Cafe 20 - Wheel Spokes

It’s quiet and just a few steps away from bus stops: 92161 and 92169 (across). So do visit this hidden gem sometime!

Carry On

348 Tanjong Katong Road
Singapore 437115

Closed on Tuesday. Open other weekdays from 8:00am. Weekends from 11:00am.
For more information refer to their Facebook page.

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