Christmas at Universal Studios Singapore – Santa’s Kitchen

Universal Studios Singapore Christmas 2014 - Snowy Christmas at Santa's Land - Santa's Kitchen at Stage 28

This festive season, guests at Universal Studios Singapore can make a trip to Santa’s Kitchen and have a scrumptious Christmas feast at the park. Read more about it here!

Universal Studios Singapore Christmas 2014 - Snowy Christmas at Santa's Land - Santa's Kitchen 1

The Christmas Dinner Buffet takes place at Stage 28, where a dining area is specially set up for the Snowy Christmas at Santa’s Land event. Dining here would cost $40++ per adult and $20++ per child. Free flow of soft drinks included.

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With a sparkling tree as the centerpiece, Stage 28 has completely transformed – from a place where most would remember for exhilarating experiences – into venue for intimate dinners.

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A hearty spread circles the Christmas tree, where you can enjoy the lights up-close as you fill your dinner plates.

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Of course, you’ll be returning to the roast section a few times, for those slices of turkey and ham.

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End your dinner with a sweet note: The dessert counter is fully decked with logcakes, festive cookies, and many sugary treats – including Sesame Street cupcakes.

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Santa’s Kitchen is open for dinner from 5PM during Snowy Christmas at Santa’s Land event, which happens for most nights from now till 4 January 2015.

Santa’s Toy Soldiers – The Changing of the Guard
Santa’s Kitchen | Sesame Street Saves Christmas

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One Response to Christmas at Universal Studios Singapore – Santa’s Kitchen

  1. haigen December 25, 2014 at 2:12 am #

    Just to correct you, soft drinks are not free flow. They are charged at $5++ per glass. Only plain water free flow

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