River Safari: Amazon Flooded Forest

River Safari - Amazon flooded forest

The Amazon Flooded Forest is the last area of River Safari. It has the largest aquarium in the park which can be viewed from different levels.

The cool and dark caves are a welcomed relief from the heat, especially after a walk around the sunny Wild Amazonia zone.

River Safari - Giant River Otter tube entrance

River Safari - Giant River Otter tube

Once inside, you’ll notice this tube aquarium – home to a pair of giant river otters. It’s a big display with three windows (the others offer mid-level and above-water views). With only two otters to view in this big tank, you might need to move to another level to see them, especially if they are at the dry area.

River Safari - Amazon Flooded Forest caverns

The “cavern” walkthrough continues, with a few exhibits lined up against one side of the wall. It’s a very well-themed experience, reminding me of the excellent new aquariums at Ocean Park Hong Kong.

River Safari - Amazon Flooded Forest caverns 2

River Safari - Amazon Flooded Forest caverns 3

River Safari -

River Safari - Red-bellied Piranha
Red-Bellied Piranha

River Safari - Flooded forest exhibit

The path then leads to the main display – the largest tank filled with Manatees and Arapaimas. This is apparently also the largest freshwater tank in Singapore.

River Safari - Amazon Flooded Forest main display

River Safari - Amazon Flooded Forest main display 2

Like the Open Ocean Habitat at S.E.A Aquarium, this large tank feels empty. However, as the Manatees and Arapaimas are large exhibits, having less clutter allows visitors to better view them.

River Safari - Amazon Flooded Forest main display 3

River Safari - Amazon Flooded Forest main display 4

River Safari - Amazon Flooded Forest main display / Freshwater stingray

Above the standing viewing area: An overhead tank showing freshwater stingray.

River Safari - Amazon Flooded Forest main display / Manatee and Arapaima
Manatees resting at the bottom of the tank…

River Safari - Amazon Flooded Forest main display / Manatee and Arapaima 2
… with the more active Arapaimas above.

River Safari - Giant River Otter

The main Flooded Forest display is flanked with another window showing the Giant River Otters.

River Safari - Above the flooded forest

The walkthrough continues with a curved inclined path, circling the back of the tank, slowing bringing visitors to the upper level. There are two more windows (not pictured) looking into the main tank: One being a “panoramic” curved window, and another nearer to the upper level, but still “under water”.

River Safari - Above the flooded forest 2

The view from the top is nothing to talk about, really.

River Safari - Stingray tank, top

But here’s the stingray tank. It looks like a touch pool, but it’s not – this is too deep to be one.

River Safari - Giant River Otter, display top level

And here is the third window for the Giant River Otters display. Out of my two visits to the park, I would say that it is much easier to view the otters, above water, here – You can’t expect them to swim underwater all day and night!

River Safari - Giant River Otters 2

The pair of otters here came from different places, but have apparently started mating in the recent weeks. The park keepers are expecting some good news soon.

River Safari - Giant River Otters

And that concludes the River Safari Photo Tour. I hope you’ve enjoyed this series. I’ll probably revisit the park again when the Amazon River Quest ride is ready. Until then, I have another task: re-editing a huge set of photos… of another park in Singapore.

Revisit all the River Safari Photo Tour posts or Click here to read a review of the River Safari park.

River Safari Photo Tour

Rivers of the World: Mississippi River, Congo River, River Nile, Ganges River
Rivers of the World II: Murray River, Mekong River, Yangtze River
Giant Panda Forest
Wild Amazonia (under construction) & Squirrel Monkey Forest

Coming Soon
Amazon Flooded Forest

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