River Safari: Rivers of the World II

River Safari - Mekong River 2

Our journey around the Rivers of the World continues. This is part two, covering Murray River, Mekong River and Yangtze River. Start from Part One here.

Murray River

River Safari - Murray River

River Safari - Murray signage

The Murray River area is more of an empty shell, with barely anything to see.

River Safari - Murray River 2

Exhibits are coming soon, and will fill some of these sealed-off aquariums.

River Safari - Murray River 3

Mekong River

River Safari - Mekong River begins

Mekong River – The Mother of all Rivers – feels a lot more complete than the past four rivers.

River Safari - Murray river look

This area starts off with a change – the sight of several energetic crab-eating macaques, jumping all over the exhibit.

River Safari - Crab-eating Macaque

River Safari - Macaque Habitat

I managed to get some interesting photos of the macaques – seemingly deep in thought.

River Safari - Mekong River / Crab-eating Macaque

River Safari - Mekong River / Crab-eating Macaque 2

River Safari - Macaque Escape

Well, not all of them anyway. Some are trying to escape the enclosure.

River Safari - Mekong River

The second section of Mekong River has some spectacular species. The seemingly enormous sculptures hanging from the ceiling are representations of the largest sizes of each species – and they’re huge!

River Safari - Mekong River 2

River Safari - Mekong River / Giant Mekong Catfish 2

Giant Mekong Catfish and Siamese Giant Carp are displayed here, along with freshwater stingray.

River Safari - Mekong River 3

River Safari - Mekong smaller exhibits

The smaller exhibits along the way to Yangtze River are not as spectacular. There is one filled with aquatic insects… or more like dead aquatic insects. Some of the panels were also fogged up or too dark to see anything.

Yangtze River

Ah finally, we have arrived at the last river of Rivers of The World.

River Safari - Yangtze River

River Safari - Yangtze River Lead

River Safari - Yangtze River / Yangtze Alligator

These small alligators would be the highlight here. Small, but with unfazed gazes.

River Safari - Yangtze / Alligator

Looking right into you.

River Safari - Yangtze River / Yangtze Alligator 2

River Safari - Yangtze River 3
River Safari - Yangtze River signage

More themed signage!

River Safari - Chinese Giant Salamander

The other notable exhibit would be the Chinese Giant Salamander, which is hard to see (and harder to take photos of) unless some light-blocking screens are placed near the glass.

River Safari - Yangtze River 2

The Rivers of the World experience ends here. The path leads to entrance to the queue for Giant Panda Forest.

Well, what do you think of Rivers of the World? It seems rather brief and light on content to me, with only three full-length rivers and the rest are more like streams. I felt that the park should make it known that it’s not just the Amazon River Quest that is not ready, but actually a number of exhibits in Rivers of the World are unavailable as well.

River Safari - Giant Panda Forest entrance

To be continued

River Safari Photo Tour

Rivers of the World: Mississippi River, Congo River, River Nile, Ganges River
Rivers of the World II: Murray River, Mekong River, Yangtze River
Giant Panda Forest
Wild Amazonia (under construction) & Squirrel Monkey Forest

Coming Soon
Amazon Flooded Forest

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