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Trainer For A Day at Marine Life Park’s Dolphin Island

Dolphin Island - Trainers

Resorts World Sentosa’s Marine Life Park offers dolphin interaction programmes at their newly opened Dolphin Island. This attraction provides visitors with many opportunities to meet and interact with the park’s famous Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins.

I was invited to experience Trainer For A Day, a six-hour programme at Dolphin Island. This is perhaps the “ultimate” package (and priced to match), as it not only includes several encounters with dolphins, but also hands-on experiences of a dolphin trainer’s role at the park. Other programmes offered are much shorter in duration (running between 30 to 60 minutes) and are hence more suited as add-ons for a day at Adventure Cove Waterpark.

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Marine Life Park – dolphins from the air


Marine Life Park opened to the public last Thursday, 22nd November 2012. While there is no further construction taking place at the park, the from the air series will continue as we take an extended look at Marine Life Park’s Adventure Cove Waterpark in operation.

The opening of the world’s largest Oceanarium was blemished with the unfortunate passing of Wen Wen, an Indo-Pacific Bottlenose dolphin. This dolphin died en route to Singapore. A candlelight vigil and memorial service will be held for the dolphin on 2nd Dec 2012. The remaining 24 dolphins (from the original group of 27) are now at the Dolphin Island section of Marine Life Park, acclimatizing to their new home.

The loss of another captive dolphin has stirred up the angry nest of animal activists, causing Resorts World at Sentosa (RWS) Facebook Fan page and local news websites to be flooded with comments, urging for the release of the remaining 24 dolphins in captivity.

Note: My blog entries on Marine Life Park are here to provide coverage and share content that other sites do not offer. These entries are produced for documentation purposes and as personal reviews and trip reports of Marine Life Park. I do not get paid by RWS. While I enjoy taking photos and blogging about attractions, my entries are not direct endorsements for Marine Life Park. I am not oblivious to the issue of dolphin hunting and dolphins in captivity, having viewed campaigns and research findings by activist groups as well as the responses by the Marine Life Park.

Edit 29/11/2012: Please do not jump to conclusions on the overall enclosure size for the dolphins, or the living conditions in the enclosure, because these details cannot (and SHOULD NOT) be inferred solely from the photos in this entry.

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Marine Life Park: Adventure Cove Waterpark – review


Step into a tropical paradise at Adventure Cove Waterpark, a part of Marine Life Park at Resorts World Sentosa (RWS). Filled with mysteries of the ocean and splashing fun in the sun, this Waterpark also offers its guests opportunities to immerse in marine habitats. In the near future, interaction programmes with Indo-­Pacific bottlenose dolphins will be made available.

Update 20/11/2012: Marine Life Park will soft open on 22/11/2012. Both S.E.A. Aquarium and Adventure Cove Waterpark will be open to the public.

Here is my review and photo tour of Adventure Cove Waterpark, the “wet” and outdoors aspect of Marine Life Park. You can also view my aerial photography series covering the construction of Adventure Cove Waterpark here.

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Marine Life Park: S.E.A. Aquarium – review

With 10 aquarium zones and the world’s largest aquarium viewing panel, the Marine Life Park’s S.E.A. Aquarium is set to marvel and immerse guests in the fascinating world of vast oceans and other marine habitats.

Update 20/11/2012: Marine Life Park will soft open on 22/11/2012. Both S.E.A. Aquarium and Adventure Cove Waterpark will be open to the public.

Here is my review and photo tour of Marine Life Park – S.E.A. Aquarium, a new attraction at Resorts World Sentosa (RWS) that will be open to public soon. This is a general review of the Aquarium and will be followed by a series of shorter entries to give each zone a spotlight.

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