Haw Par Villa photowalk – The Hilltop

Haw Par Villa - The Hilltop

At the top of the hill of Haw Par Villa lies a seemingly forgotten area of the gardens. Age shows in some of these sculptures, and the grounds are visibly more weathered. It almost seems as if these areas were left untouched for years (well, not all), with faded colours powering the dioramas with an unsettling appearance.

Haw Par Villa - The Hilltop

First thing you’ll see – this large round pound with a statue of the Goddess of Mercy on a lotus flower. Right behind, some giant masks which might be scary for some. Don’t worry, no close-up photos of those masks here.

Haw Par Villa - The Hilltop

Haw Par Villa - The Hilltop

An incredibly detailed wall adorned with dragons.

Haw Par Villa - The Hilltop

There is a road out here (for the road that runs along the west edge of the gardens compound).

Haw Par Villa - The Hilltop

Nothing interesting outside, except closed offices..

Haw Par Villa - The Hilltop

and a closed housekeeping building.

Haw Par Villa - The Hilltop

Haw Par Villa - The Hilltop

Turning back into the gardens: The other major exhibits at the top of the hill are called “Saga of the Immortals” and “Virtue and Vices”.

Haw Par Villa - The Hilltop

Haw Par Villa - The Hilltop

Haw Par Villa - The Hilltop

Haw Par Villa - The Hilltop

Haw Par Villa - The Hilltop

Haw Par Villa - The Hilltop

Haw Par Villa - The Hilltop

And we’ve come to the end of the Haw Par Villa photo tour. If you have time, why not walk around this forgotten theme park someday?

The Haw Par Villa photowalk

Entrance Gardens | Ten Courts of Hell | Pavilion and Pagoda
Mysterious Gardens | The Hilltop

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