Royal Albatross Sunset Sail

Royal Albatross Tall Ship docked at Adventure Cove Waterpark, Resorts World Sentosa Singapore

Embark on a luxurious cruise aboard the Royal Albatross from Resorts World Sentosa.

Royal Albatross Tall Ship Cruise - Sunset Sail

Docked beside the Adventure Cove Waterpark, the Royal Albatross is a new attraction that offers different sailing experiences.

Royal Albatross Tall Ship Cruise - Going to the Port for boarding

We were invited to go on the Sunset Sail. The weather was a bit foreboding, but the cruise went on smoothly. We didn’t get a chance to catch the breathtaking sunset due to the clouds.

Royal Albatross Tall Ship Cruise - Shoe tags for boarding

Take off your shoes before you board: The ship has special cork flooring, so you’ll be able to walk freely bare-footed.

Royal Albatross Tall Ship Cruise - Special flooring

Royal Albatross Tall Ship Cruise - Ropes and Masts

For those who don’t go on cruises often (like us), this would be a very exciting adventure. The ship alone has many nice photo spots, and there are comfortable seats all over the top deck to enjoy the sea breeze and sights.

Royal Albatross Tall Ship Cruise - Sunset Sail - Ropes

Royal Albatross Tall Ship Cruise - Stern Flying Seats

The most special seats are these ‘flying seats’ at the back of the ship. Why flying?

Royal Albatross Tall Ship Cruise - Sunset Sail - Flying Seats

Well, the seats are above the sea – literally.

Royal Albatross Tall Ship Cruise - Sunset Sail - Moving out of RWS

Those seats (comfortably for 8) also give a great view of the upper deck, and breathtaking perspective of the entire cruise. Of course, don’t hog them – let other guests have a turn too!

Royal Albatross Tall Ship Cruise - Sunset Sail - Grand Salon Giselle

If the wind in your hair’s too much, go one level down into the luxurious Grand Salon.

Royal Albatross Tall Ship Cruise - Sunset Sail - Grand Salon bar

There’s even a bar here.

Royal Albatross Tall Ship Cruise - Sunset Sail - Grand Salon window

You can enjoy smooth jazz whether you’re indoors or out.

Royal Albatross Tall Ship Cruise - Sunset Sail - Saxaphone wide

Of course there’s always more things to see at the top, and you can chat with the crew members.

Royal Albatross Tall Ship Cruise - Sunset Sail - Sailor Crew

Royal Albatross Tall Ship Cruise - Sunset Sail - Outdoor Bar

As the sun sets, the ship glows. By then the dinner buffet (included in the ticket) is ready. The menu changes all the time, but we enjoyed a really good BBQ spread.

Royal Albatross Tall Ship Cruise - Sunset Sail - Deck with red light

The ship sails out of RWS and then around Sentosa Island. Shortly after, we were offered a beautiful view of the city (Marina Bay area) from a different perspective.

Royal Albatross Tall Ship Cruise - Sunset Sail - City View across the Sea

Royal Albatross Tall Ship Cruise - Sunset Sail - Birthday Celebrations

Somewhere in the middle of the cruise, the ship will celebrate birthdays.

Royal Albatross Tall Ship Cruise - Sunset Sail - Ship Bow area

Royal Albatross Tall Ship Cruise - Sunset Sail - Crew looking into the sea

Sunset Sail is just one of several products offered by Royal Albatross. The ship can also be chartered for private sails, parties, celebrations, and even weddings. There’s Christmas and Countdown Party sails coming up.

Royal Albatross Tall Ship Cruise - Sunset Sail - Lower Deck

Royal Albatross Tall Ship Cruise - Sunset Sail - Grand Salon wide

Royal Albatross Tall Ship Cruise - Sunset Sail - Lower Deck Corridor

Fancy a longer stay? There are also cabins in the lower deck, and check out this amazing bedroom:

Royal Albatross Tall Ship Cruise - Sunset Sail - Bedroom Suite

Royal Albatross Tall Ship Cruise - Sunset Sail - Bedroom Suite 2

Royal Albatross Tall Ship Cruise - Sunset Sail - Ship at Night

Special Thanks to Resorts World Sentosa for inviting us to experience the Royal Albatross Sunset Sail.

The Royal Albatross Tall Ship Cruises

Sunset Sail
Adult – $195
Child – $145 (aged 12 and younger)

2.5-hour cruise commences at 6:00pm. Reservations required.

Other sailing experiences, such a Christmas Sail and Countdown 2017, are also available. The ship is also available for private charter.

For more information, visit the Royal Albatross website.

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