National Gallery Singapore – part two

National Gallery Singapore Preview - Naked Museum Tour / Main Entrance

In this second part of the National Gallery tour, we’ll look inside the new grand atrium linking the Supreme Court and City Hall buildings.

National Gallery Singapore Preview - Naked Museum Tour / Main Entrance Atrium, interior view

Under a canopy of glass and metal, the space between two national monuments is now the main entrance of the national gallery. Futuristic tree-like sculptures hold up the skyroof and parts of the golden facade.

National Gallery Singapore Preview - Naked Museum Tour / Column Capital of City Hall

The rich details of the past can be seen up close from the link bridges. See these column capitals – almost new!

National Gallery Singapore Preview - Naked Museum Tour / Main Entrance Atrium, View from the Upper Link Bridge 1

We walked across the highest bridge – the one that links to the rooftop of the supreme court. It gave us a unique bird’s-eye view of the atrium.

National Gallery Singapore Preview - Naked Museum Tour / Main Entrance Atrium, View from the Upper Link Bridge 3

We see the same design signature from the City Hall wing. And that looks like an escalator to the basement.

National Gallery Singapore Preview - Naked Museum Tour / Main Entrance Atrium, Glass trellis designed by Jean Francois Milou

The glass forms a façade that reminds me of Apple Stores. Wouldn’t it be nice if Singapore’s first Apple Store opened at the National Gallery? With stores at iconic locations such as Carrousel du Louvre, Opera (Paris), Regent Street, Covent Gardens (London) and Grand Central (New York), it’ll fit right in at the National Gallery.

National Gallery Singapore Preview - Naked Museum Tour / Main Entrance Atrium, City Hall gateway

The lush wood flooring bleeds out of a window – now a gateway stretching all the way to the roof of the Supreme Court.

National Gallery Singapore Preview - Naked Museum Tour / Main Entrance Atrium, Skybridges leading from City Hall

National Gallery Singapore Preview - Naked Museum Tour / Main Entrance Atrium, Skybridges leading from City Hall 2

It’s like the staircase at Hogwarts, but modern, minimal and full of glass.

National Gallery Singapore Preview - Naked Museum Tour / Main Entrance Atrium, Lower Link Bridge focus

National Gallery Singapore Preview - Naked Museum Tour / Main Entrance Atrium, Cascading Lines

Even though the Atrium isn’t a gallery, this might be the place I look forward to revisiting when the National Gallery opens later this year.

Our tour continues into the Supreme Court next. Check back soon!

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