Be among the first in Singapore to experience the Star Wars: Battle Pod arcade machine at GameStart 2015!
Note: This entry is part of GameStart 2015 coverage.
Star Wars Theme – Overture music please. The Battle Pod is here!
Here’s how it works. Join the queue and pay a voluntary donation (to help defray transport costs) when it’s your turn, for a chance to conquer the skies space in the Star Wars Universe.
There are 5 levels (and different craft to fly) to choose from, which you can already see from the machine’s exterior. The levels are inspired by the original trilogy.
Level 1: Yavin (X-Wing)
Level 2: Hoth (Snowspeeder)
Level 3: Endor (Speederbike)
Level 4: Deathstar (Millennium Falcon)
Level 5: Vader’s Revenge (TIE Advanced)
Even if you’re not playing, the pod alone has design details to admire. Did you know that Bandai Namco is selling home units for US$35,000? And there are even Premium Editions for US$100,000! Shipping and handling not included in the price for these 375kg behemoths.

Step inside and you’ll see the projection dome display that will completely surround your field of vision.

Storming the First Deathstar
It is definitely exhilarating to zip around space and destroy things, though the controls might take a while to get used to. After all, this is made for the arcades – get those coins ready if this machine turns up permanently somewhere.
Anyway, Geek Culture is running a contest where the top scorers will win Star Wars swag. May the best pilots win!

Chasing through Endor
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